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来源: admin 发布于:2022-07-23 00:58:21

Dong Chon Xia Cao: Dong Chon Xia Cao, abbreviation Chinese caterpillar fungus. It is actually the wheat straw fungus branch plant Dong Chon Xia Cao fungus ascus place and the parasitic bat moth and so on larva corpse marriage. Chinese caterpillar fungus warm taste Gansu, has guarantees the lung profit kidney, to relieve a cough the phlegm reduction, to incite benefits long-lived, effects and so on blunt clear vision. In places such as Qinghai eucalyptus, Guoluo, Hainan, Huangna, Haibei have produce. The Qinghai Chinese caterpillar fungus output comes first in of nation
Sapodilla plum: It is one wild perennial herb's root tuber. Simultaneously the plateau person is called this kind of plant the root tuber is a silverweed cinquefoil, is also called the long life fruit, the Penglai fruit and so on. Silverweed cinquefoil happy moist, thermostable, its entire is also one of Tibet medicines. The silverweed cinquefoil in the Qinghai main habitat is Tibetan national minority autonomous prefectures and so on Guoluo, eucalyptus, Huangna, Hainan. Silverweed cinquefoil nature Gansu is warm, has is good for the spleen benefits the stomach, the restraining hematischesis, induces saliva and slakes thirst, the blood tonic profit is mad the effect
Angelica sylvestris: The angelica sylvestris is the umbelliferae perennial herb. Qinghai is national one of three big angelica sylvestris production areas, crown of the silkworm Qiang quality row nation. The angelica sylvestris was born happily in the elevation 1500-4000 meter about mountain scrub forests or the grass, its and so on may be used as medicine. Mainly treats cold cold, the table evil cold and heat. The Huangna jianzha area produces the silkworm Qiang quality is best
Dried beef: What here mainly refers to is Guoluozhou “the snowy mountain sign” the five spices curry milk does. “the snowy mountain sign” the five spices curry milk does it selects the Qinghai yak fresh meat, rejects the muscle skin, adds the clear water to boil thoroughly takes out, slivers the equal scrap, add-on enters seasoning and so on flowered ground pepper, curry powder, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, sugar, salt to fry dry, dries again, working procedure processing manufactures and so on subpackage become
